I Want to COACH
Sharks Basketball club appreciates your interest in wanting to be a coach of the Sharks Basketball Community.
If you are interested in becoming a coach, please email the club at geelongsharks@gmail.com
Once you are informed of a coaching position you will need to:
Register as a coach on play HQ, you will then be linked on the database to your team. [Next Season Registration Not Yet Open]
Working With Children:
Apply for a Working With Children’s Card. Register or update details here
Existing card holders need to update organization details and link Sharks Basketball Club
Exemptions apply to Police / Teachers, please email a copy of your current teacher card to geelongsharks@gmail.com
Member Protection Form:
You are required by Basketball Victoria to fill out a Member Protection Form every two years.
Please fill out the form and have this witnessed by a relevant authority. Access Member Protection Form
Forward your Member Protection Form back to the club either by:
email to geelongsharks@gmail.com or
post to Sharks Basketball Club PO Box 2121 Grovedale East.
Team Manager:​
A Team Manager can be very useful and allows you to focus on coaching. If you have appointed a team manager you must:​
Notify the junior coordinator​
Ensure the team manager is registered (Refer the team manager to this website which provides them information on registering and what they will need to know)
Congratulations you are now fully registered, the coaches coordinator will provide you with a coach’s kit prior to commencing.
Also being a coach has other responsibilities besides teaching kids. Our club prides itself on protecting the children in our care, please ensure you have read ‘Club Documents’ on our website and have an understanding of:
Being a coach can have its challenges, at Sharks we would like to ensure you have the support to fulfill the position. If you require any assistance, like to undertake any training or have any questions please contact the junior coordinator.
Thanks again and good luck!