October 2021 Update
Return to Sport Update
Recently, Geelong United provided a return to play update setting out the conditions under which community sport can resume based on state government health regulations.
In line with the government roadmap, it is anticipated that seniors, U20 & U23 competitions will be able to resume on or around 5 November. With the U18 & U16 competitions beginning 2 weeks later on 19 November.
However, the strict rules around capacity require all members who enter the stadium to be fully vaccinated. This will apply to all players, coaches, officials and spectators.
At present it isn't clear on the rules for those 12 & under who currently cannot get vaccinated. We are expecting some clarification over the next couple of weeks. So please give us time as Basketball Victoria work with the government to clarify this.
We are hopeful of getting all kids back on the courts soon & play grading games prior to Christmas.
While we aren't enforcing vaccinations for our members, we are encouraging all to seek medical advice on your options. Under the current guidelines, unvaccinated people will not be able to enter stadiums.
Registration for Summer Season
Given that we now have an indicative date for a return to competition, we have opened registrations.
At this stage, we would only recommend that players in the U16 age group and above register.
For all other age groups we would suggest that you wait to register until we have further clarification from Basketball Victoria.
As previously advised, club fees remain unchanged for Summer season at $40 for juniors and $50 for seniors. However, we will be providing a discount of $10 per player.
You will find the registration page here:
To receive the discount please use this voucher code when completing your registration: 4D8F5892